ACE v12: Executing unittests in a maven CI/CD pipeline.

App  Connect Enterprise v12: Executing unit tests in a maven CI/CD pipeline

In my previous blog, I’ve created my first v12 unit test project. So I was wondering how I could include this test project in a CI/CD pipeline using maven. I decided to create a small proof of concept.

As-Is situation:

When I commit changes to my git, a maven build is triggered that creates my bar files and pushes them in my nexus repository. This nexus repository is used to deploy the code to my runtime.


I want to be able to execute my unit-tests in my maven build step, preventing the bar files to be pushed to nexus when the tests fail.

For my current maven builds I use this plugin. Follow the link on how to use and install the plugin.

This plugin v11.39 is created for App Connect Enterprise V11, but also works on App Connect Enterprise V12.

I’ve tried to use this plugin to build the test project but didn’t manage to find the correct configuration.

The plugin uses the mqsicreatebar or mqsipackage bar and I could only build the test-project with the ibmint command. So I made some changes to the plugin to support the ibmint command to facilitate the build of the testproject.

Changes I’ve made to the plugin for my poc:

  • lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml: added ibmint-package
  • Components.xml: added
  • Added the mojo class for this component. It’s basically a copy of the CreateBarMojo with some changes in some methods

  • Changed the pom of the plugin to use a new version v12.1

After installing the new version of the plugin I can continue with the project structure.

Setup Project structure:

Quick workspace recap: I have 1 application and 1 test project that can test the application in my workspace.

3 modules:

SimpleUnitTest => application

SimpleUnitTest_Test  => test project

Distribution => gathers all bars + test to execute and executes the tests

Parent pom.xml

Application pom.xml

Packaging: ace-bar

Test project pom.xml

Packaging: ace-ibmint-bar  Is new due to my changes in the plugin

ibmintVerb: verb required by the ibmint command

serverInstallDir: location of the ibmint executable

Distribution pom.xml

Plugin: creates a zip file containing the bar files in the maven phase package

Plugin: executes a script to execute the tests



Line 09: create integration server workdir in temporary location

Line 13: unzip the distribution zip file

Line 17: deploy all bar files that are in the bar folder of the zip

Line 18: deploy the testproject

Line 22: execute the test project.


Execute in the main workspace folder: mvn clean install

Test it when the unit tests fail.

Kim Meynendonckx

IBM Integration Specialists

Enabling Digital Transformations.

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